
About Me

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My goal is to improve my fitness levels, add years to my life, live and love every moment as if it were the last,... I want to continue this journey, motivated and loving the progress and feeling of looking good, while ULTIMATELY, reaching out and being a motivator and support system for others who want to change their life and change their bodies!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fair Oaks Sun Run ~ May 2, 2010 (1st 5 Miler)

So yesterday, Colleen and I (a.k.a. Dory & Starkist) ran the Fair Oaks Sun Run ... 5 MILES!!! I don't ever remember (besides basic training) ever coming close to running that far.... and this was not just a level grounded course,... this had hills and one of them was called "The Beast" and "Last Gasp"...

Colleen was AWESOME,... she kept me in the race and mind committed to running the entire time and crossing the finish line!! BTW,... I call her Dory, because she loves to say "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" like Dory from Finding Nemo... LOL <3  Gotta love it!!!

Proudly we managed to cross the finish line and with a time of 59:27.... once we turned the final corner, she calls out to me,... "we are at 59 minutes, so let's push it and finish in under an hour!"  WE DID!!! 59:27... awesome and I was so happy,... 

It was a great experience and I am proud of myself for doing it,.. running the entire way without stopping to walk and just continue visioning baby steps of reaching my goals of participating in a Sprint Triathlon in July and the California Int'l Marathon in December 2010...  

To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan... believe ... act! ~ A. Montapert

Thursday, April 29, 2010

In the beginning...

So today I had an awesome thought about what I would want my Personal Training, Health and Wellness Coaching and overall branch out business name to be... TryUMPH215.  This comes from try + umph in my book equals a whole lot of motivation and success and the 215 represents my starting weight when I decided to change my health, fitness and career in 2009.  I was miserable, became unemployed and did not want to let that get the best of me and become totally depressed, so I became focused on changing my fitness lifestyle ,.... and here I am almost a year later ...a total so far of 45 pounds lighter, fitter, smart about fitness and nutrition, studying for my NASM Personal Training and ISSA Nutritional Certifications and beginning a training program for my very first Sprint Triathlon in SF ...

I hope you find this as amazing as I do, and decide to follow the journey. Until next post...

"If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results." ~ J. Dixon